
Strangeness Abound [Open]


05-03-2013, 03:55 PM

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Something tickled in the back of his head that she may be hiding a bit of information. Of course she was, though. Wasn't he? It wasn't like he was going to spill everything to a complete stranger. Man, that would be way too much anyway. His voice would grow hoarse and more questions would have to be answered. How did he end up here after wandering in a desert? He didn't know, either, really. Fate. Maybe. Hopefully?

He liked this mysteriousness anyway. No need to drag around all of that baggage. They won't ever know his full story and he was glad for it. No one needed to know.

"Epi...much easier on the tongue and on the mind to remember. You may call me Khu if that is better for you, as well." He fully acknowledged that there was a flirty curl to her words, but was a little unsure of himself after having not talked to anyone in so long. How sad! He knew he should be leaping up and down that someone was giving him that kind of attention but it had been SO LONG.

"I'm sure you know more than nothing. For instance, you know what this place is and I'm an ignorant and wandering fool." A sly little smile danced upon his features. Girls always ate that kind of crap up.

"Valhalla sounds...blissful. And no pack is immune to having enemies every now and then, if not all the time. Just a price you pay for being in a different pack. Nature and all."

A place of plains, she said? He was already used to barren, treeless lands. He just didn't feel like he needed to commit to anything at this point. After all, settling down wasn't exactly his cup of tea nor did he really know how to do it. He was more of the adventurous, save-the-damsel-in-distress-type, leaving behind more questions than answers and always charming the pants off anyone. Khu knew one day he needed to rest his weary paws; he just wasn't sure this was the correct place. He still had the hole in his heart after all.