
In Disbelief, I Didn't Know (EBONY)


06-27-2014, 10:43 AM

The snowy woman wasn't quite sure of anything anymore. Nature had betrayed her. She had conceived pups out of her season. Much of her time was now spent resting in her den, a constant look of empty bewilderment on her visage. How could this have happened to her? What were the odds? Adelaide heaved a sigh and watched her growing abdomen rise and fall, the threat of tears arising in her eyes. Her mother would have been ashamed. This was pathetic.

It only made her day worse when the maiden caught the echo of a call sounding out through the lands. And now there was a meeting. One that sounded urgent, and she would be expected to attend. Adelaide felt her cheeks set ablaze at the thought of showing herself to the rest of the pack. No one needed to see her like this and make rumors. It was embarrassing. She was one of the most experienced healers in the pack - it was shameful to present herself in this manner. But it was mandatory.

With a broken little sob, the lady would push herself off the ground and begin walking to the meeting grounds. Elijah would soon accompany her as he always did, saying nothing about her current state but only caressing her fur with the tip of his wing. This did provide the maiden with some comfort, and she took a deep breath, signs of her sadness vanishing into the snow as she approached the rest of the pack.

Intelligent blue eyes surveyed the situation, hearing calm words and angry outbursts as Katja addressed them from her little stone perch. This much was clear - Raisa was gone. What would Ebony do now? The white female strode carefully into the scene, avoiding stares as best she could, and seated herself to await any instructions.

"Adelaide Speech"
"Elijah Speech"