
In Disbelief, I Didn't Know (EBONY)

Katja the First


8 Years
06-27-2014, 12:17 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 02:47 PM by Katja the First.)

There was a subdued atmosphere as wolves began arriving. Did they already know of Raisa's absence somehow, or was it just her own mood dampening their spirits? Sigmarr's approach with a stranger caught her complete attention as the blood-scent on the stranger permeated the rock garden. Sigmarr's softly spoken words sent a knife through Katja's chest - Val was gone too? Only a few hours ago had she given Raisa her word she would take care of the children, and already she had lost one. She could say nothing past the self-recriminations and sense of impending doom, but she rested her muzzle across the boy's shoulders and lightly drew him into a hug. Rare was it that Katja offered such physical comfort, but she found herself needing it as much as the boy, if not more. What was she to do?

The presence of the boy's savior was not forgotten. She raised her gaze to his pale face and despite her disconcerting emotions her eyes narrowed speculatively. From this angle he could almost be Sigmarr as an adult - the same build, the same black eye patch. Except for the red he inherited from Raisa, even his coloring was the same as this male. But she said nothing, for he had made no claims. Was this the work of the gods, then?

"You have my everlasting gratitude. I would be pleased to welcome you to Ebony, Baldur Hroovitnisson," she murmured quietly. "You will have your time to speak with your family."

One of the few remaining healers, the male called Maximous, made an offer to see to the wounded warrior after the meeting, and Katja nodded to him. "That would be appreciated, Maximous." Her eyes followed Kassander as he offered something to the healer before falling back into the bulk of the pack, and she nodded her gratitude to him.

Another stranger approached, coming to sit near Hajime. He introduced himself as Hajime's uncle, but was cut off from saying more by a whisper from Hajime. Her eyes narrowed at the pair of them, her face otherwise expressionless. People did not get a free pass to intrude on meetings simply because they had family there. This was Ebony business... but perhaps it did not matter. This news would find it's way to the other packs eventually, what difference did it make how much sooner it happened? She just inclined her head at the elder wolf.

While she'd been preoccupied, more wolves had appeared silently, including Svetlana and the family of wolves tied to the elderly wolf Bane. Her gaze lingered on Svetlana a moment before her attention was drawn away by Vaughan's approach. His words, heartbroken words in a cracked voice, touched her own pain, woke it, but she kept it buried, meeting his eyes with understanding without flaunting her own.

Her gaze swept the assembly. Her eyes stopped briefly on the healer Adelaide, seeing the bulge in her sides that spoke of pups, but her face held no condemnation, just recognition before she moved on - they would speak later, but now was certainly not the time. It appeared that all the pack wolves were there, so they all might as well hear this at once.

"Raisa is gone," her voice rang out over the silent wolves. "She found me this night on patrol. I do not know where she has gone - she did not say, nor did she say when she would return. I have given her my oath, to care for Ebony," she paused, her gaze lingering between Raisa's four remaining pups, "and her children. That I will do, until she does return or until her pups are of age to take what is their heritage by right. Valeriya is with her mother."

She paused to allow her words to sink in before continuing, flicking her glance at Sigmarr, hoping he would find comfort in the idea, or at least have the sense to not say anything. The pack would be on edge enough without knowing that their heir could be anywhere. "Most will remain the same as before, for I will preserve Ebony as Raisa intended it, for her children. Your ranks... I will rename them, as I still struggle with your language and it would ease organization for me, but they will remain the same. Ebons will be thegn and their squires called dreng, Solas be eir with squires called skald. The children of the Xanilov line will be kynsl??, the children of nobles kind, and the children of the pack barn. Likely all will keep current ranks unless they wish to be considered for higher. Tell me now, or if you prefer seek me later, and we shall come to an understandings. Vaughan..." Her attention trained on the male. "You are needed, Vaughan. Svetlana is heir now, and will need your mentoring that she might learn to be a proper empress of Ebony someday. Will you stay, and keep your rank?"

It would be a lot for them to take in, and she hoped they would understand that she what she was trying to do, rather than put a sinister spin on her words. She would do what she had to do, to keep Ebony intact for the Xanilov children.

OOC: Second round replies due before next Friday (July 4th) so they're done before the holiday and stuff. Got one more round after this so try to get your characters in quickly so I can post again!