
In Disbelief, I Didn't Know (EBONY)


06-27-2014, 03:15 PM

Isidora Koval. Her reputation said it all really, no excuses no real reasons but somehow she was late. The pack had already gathered before Kat something, honestly Isi couldn't remember her full name at the moment but that'd do she decided, she probably wouldn't need to us it anyway. But hang on, why was Kat up there, where was Raisa? She hadn't thought much about it from the call though it wasn't the first time someone else had called a meeting, that Vaughan guy had done it last.

She was a little too late to ask as she sneakily moved to join the rest of the pack. She would find herself by Adelaide, glad that after a lesson she could recall the healer's name. "Hey Addi, what did I miss?" She'd whisper shifting her gaze to the healer properly for the first time. "Whoah you got big!" The shock likely made the words come out a little louder than she had intended. "Are you pregnant or something? I've seen some wolves get really huge when they're pregnant." Her voice quietened once more though she still wasn't helping too much.

"Oh, shhh. Kat's talking." And with that as Katja began to speak Isi would turn her attention towards the front once more, her initial question now being explained. She'd made it just in time for the meeting and to hear the important information they'd been gathered here for. Raisa was actually gone this time, that was disappointing news.