


06-27-2014, 07:02 PM

Ooc;; playing this as if sib x cru happened the day before the challenge pretty much

He didn't make her wait long he never did. But his approach was cautious, tentative even and for a moment she would turn to stand and study him. Something was wrong? Or was this simply his reaction to her appearance? He moved forward, moving to touch her wounds and she would step forward to attempt to lean into his neck, to run her face along his shoulder and then push her forehead into his chest. Gods she had missed him. What had it been... A week? But still something was off... She barely registered his words, couldn't comprehend what he was saying or asking. No something was off... What? His scent... She knew that smell. It clung to him like a burr. She had never been able to rid herself of it either except for if she soaked in the hot springs. She would remain near his chest for a time, inhaling that smell before finally she would sigh and pull back.

Did she care? Should she care? She couldn't lie to herself and say she didn't as much as she wanted to. Cru was special to her, not too long ago she had gone to Sibelle for advice on how to deal with him. Nothing really had come from it. "Who is she?" For the first time in her life she couldn't force a smile, pretend to be happy or content when rage raced through her. She had pretended to not care with Scorpion and Othello but now she couldn't. She couldn't pretend to be okay with this. She had loved him hadn't she? Was it love? It was different then what she felt for Des or what she had felt for Nnoitra or Morphine. It was all so different. She would stand solidly apart from him, lantern gaze staring straight at him and unwavering despite the almost overwhelming weariness that was weighing down on her shoulders. She had to know...