
If, Possibly and maybe


06-27-2014, 07:19 PM

He was polite, and understanding, only adding to her happiness. He offered to meet in a few days to discuss Ares answer, but she knew it was unneeded. "You can count of my, Ares and our two children joining you when they are old enough to travel. If not, then I will seek you out near Covari." She would smile, her tones decisive. Again the man would confirm her thoughts. But much to her pleasure, Covari was neutral as well, seeming to want to keep the peace. And to top it all off, Covari had been the one to find the cure. It would ease her worries, and only confirm her thoughts about wanting to follow this man. She would need to rush home and talk to Ares. "If there is nothing else, I will return to my family and discuss this with Ares." She would rise, her crown tipping slightly in question. Did he have anything else he wanted to add. If not, then she would dip her head in goodbye before speaking. "The next time I see you will be when you have your pack." She spoke a bit of encouragement before turning away from the man and trotting back home, a smile plastered on her face.


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