


06-27-2014, 07:23 PM

Vi would nod along with Sibelle's comments towards the pack, head tipping easily as she listened. Thank god she would still be involved with the slave trade, Vi didn't know what she would do without her to help. "Would you mind housing some slaves here until insecure a territory that is secluded enough to not aero use suspicion?" She would ask, hoping Sibelle understood that Vi wanted to keep her packs outward appearances as squeaky clean as possible. But then the conversation would turn back to Vi and she would sigh, head hanging slightly as she considered this. How much did she trust Sibelle? Enough to believe that she wouldn't tell Desiree and bring Vi's whole world crashing down around her? She honestly wasn't sure. Yes she trusted Sibelle without question but could she sleep at night knowing anyone knew her secret.

"Just a silly crush on a boy I suppose... I'm just worried... I don't know. I don't like sharing. I care far too much for all of your to even think of sharing." She said, at first serious then a smile would flitter across her features and she would stand, sauntering over languidly to seat herself directly at Sibelle's side and bump her shoulder gently as Sibelle spoke of boy problems. "My sweet... I might just have to throw down with anyone who tried to take you from me. I'm glad your single. Boys lead to pregnancy and pregnancy leads to asshole children who ruin your body." Words were a gentle tease, a wink being tossed to Sibelle as she chuckled. Though there was warmth in her voice there was also a bit of a promise. No one would ever been good enough for her dear Sibelle...