
It's to be a cold night



5 Years
06-27-2014, 07:41 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 07:44 PM by Novella.)

Novella had never experienced death before. She had parted with family members and experienced the sadness that came with missing them dearly but at the back of her mind she had always known she could always see them again at some point if she had wanted to. This though was completely different, the loss was a permanent one never would she see her nephew again. Poor little Descant had been ill most of his life, never well enough to get out and properly meet his family but the loss was still nothing short of devastating. If it hurt her this much however, she could only imagine how awful Song felt about it.

With Descant ill and Dutiron and Sound both recovering from the epidemic Song had certainly been busy as of late. She may have stepped down from her rank though she still had far too much to do for Novella to really spend too much time with her sister. It was a fact that she had hated and whilst now with Descant's passing Song would have a little more time to spend with the pack, a part of Novella couldn't help but still feel bad about it. All the same though she would make the short trip to Song's den to see her, check how she was doing more than anything else.

She wasn't sure if Song had eaten or would even want to eat though she had managed to catch a rabbit and would bring it with her now as she came to a stop outside of her sister's den. "Song?" She would call out softly, keeping outside just in case Song still didn't wish to be disturbed. She certainly hoped she wouldn't be turned away though.