
It's to be a cold night



06-27-2014, 07:52 PM

The pain was worse than she could ever imagine. Losing Cherokee had been horrible, but not so hard as losing Descant. She felt like she'd failed him somehow. She couldn't cure him from his illness and he had lost his life. He was gone forever, and she could do nothing about his disappearance. She would find herself shunning those divine beings that had so carefully guided her. She had begged they spare his life, she had pleaded for his life, and yet he was still gone. She wanted to focus on her still living children, but her heart couldn't pull away from Descant. She'd grown so close to her son, he was so innocent and pure. She felt her heart ripping out for the loss of such a being. He was a loss to the world, not just to her.
She'd hardly felt hungry in the past day, after laying her son to rest she'd lost her appetite. Even the subtle scent of Novella's rabbit would turn her stomach sour. She wouldn't tell her sister that though. Before she knew it the girl was at the entrance of the den, obviously cautious of Song's wishes. A tear would run down her cheek as she moved to release herself from the den. It still smelled of her little boy. "Hello, Novella." Her voice was oddly emotionless, like a cold numbness had taken over the woman. She wouldn't guess what she was here for but she was glad for the gesture of food. "Thank you for thinking of me." She would gesture towards the untouched carcass.
