


06-27-2014, 07:53 PM

The question that rolled of Vi's tongue was surprising. She knew that Vi had wanted to keep the ring low key so that only a select few within the pack would know about it, but did she want to take the personal risk of her own pack finding out? She would hesitate for a moment, brows furrowing. "I don't know, I don't how Maija or the kids would take it if they found out. I could keep a few for short periods of time, but I'm trying to keep my involvement low key as well." She would speak honestly, trying to come to an agreement with Vi over the manner.

Just a silly crush. Vi would toss out the answer all to quickly. And the woman would rise, almost nervously, even though she seated herself beside the russet woman. Verdant gaze would follow her, scrutinizing her friend closely, eyes narrowing minutely. All of us? Something wasn't adding up, but the woman wouldn't press any farther, she simply gave Vi a look that said 'you will tell me as some point'. Vi would quickly change the subject and the woman would chuckle, though her smile didn't reach her eyes. She was still confused about what her friend had said. "Children aren't all bad. Yours just happen to take after their mother, so of course they are a pain in the ass." A smirk tugged at her lips as she would bump her shoulder against Vi's. She would lean against her friends side, enjoying her company and their gentle teasing.

"Talk" "You" Think