
From Whence You Came (pups)


05-03-2013, 07:14 PM

Maverick had heard just about enough out of the man, but it was clear that he wasn't going to quit. Of course not, he was too thick to do something sensible like that. A growl murmured in the boy's chest. He silenced himself as his sister responded far more diplomatically than he. Figures, she always knew how to word things. Still, Maverick felt as if she wasn't putting enough feeling into her phrases. That was alright though, he had feeling enough to spare. As Bane spoke again the Prince bit his tongue to allow the man to speak. "I'm no pup, and I'll speak ill of Talutah all I want." This Bane just couldn't stop telling him what to do, could he? "Have you forgotten I outrank you?" Icy notes would crystallize in his lyrics.

More insolence, more lies, Maverick's head was reeling with fury. "I wouldn't go anywhere with you. I said to leave, and I meant it." Maverick huffed, lip curling into a snarl. "Forget it, stay here and spread lies if you must." With a snort and a last fiery glance at the man, Maverick turned and spoke begrudgingly to his sister. "Let's go, Kamala." He would bump his shoulder into hers lightly - but with enough fervor to let her know he wasn't kidding. If she didn't follow, he didn't know what he'd do.
