
Checking In, Catching Up


05-03-2013, 07:29 PM

Maverick knew time was running short. His father was anything but tardy, and it would only be a matter of time before Gerhardt arrived on the scene. When he did, Maverick had to be absolutely certain that he would not hear anything about Epiphron or his love affair with her. "I don't know why," he would spout with hushed tones and low notes. He was beginning to feel a bit strange - as if he were being watched. "You know Valkis... he's different." Different was an understatement, but the Prince digressed. He knew despite his own ill feelings toward his brother, Kamala cared a great deal for the other russet boy. Maverick didn't want to ruin her impression of him, even if Valkis had managed to make himself look pretty horrible lately.

She was talking again, this time about Gideon. Maverick shook his head. "Experience isn't everything Kam. You have heart, and that's all that matters." He would offer her a smile and a gentle wiggle of his brow in hopes of lightening the moment. He didn't want his sister fretting over something that wouldn't happen for a while. Conversation would shift once more to Epiphron, and he smiled slightly. "You'll meet her one day, I hope." Though he wanted to confide more in his sibling, he knew that their time was still getting shorter, and soon enough someone was bound to come across them. Sure enough, Valkis sauntered onto the scene with a muttered greeting. Kamala acted normally toward him, with an exclaimed greeting and happy notes. Maverick choked back a snort. Had she not heard what he'd just told her?

"Brother," Maverick would remark with displeasure in his notes. He meant to speak more, but Gerhardt arrived just then and the Prince immediately silenced himself. His father didn't need to hear his adolescent frustrations. "Father," he would respond, voice not yet normal or chipper. Kamala took the reigns on the conversation then, and for once the Prince was content to remain completely silent. Kamala had asked the question on his mind.
