


06-27-2014, 08:29 PM

She had to harden herself, had to keep the hurt from her gaze as she stared at him unwavering. She would hold herself as squarely as possible without putting any weight on her left leg, it wasn't well enough to hold her weight yet. Maybe it never would... Vi really only trusted Zara's opinion on that, the woman knew her shit and though Vi trusted Orchid there were some news that should be broken by family. But for now she would attempt to work her way through it, and honestly probably damage it more. She didn't want him to know she was that hurt though, and other then a slight the slight lean she rocked to keep her left paw on the ground but without any pressure. That was why she had moved minimally to lean him to him and then to lean back. There was almost no space between them, no room for him to escape her hardened gaze. And he wouldn't. He would sigh and close his eyes before opening them and meeting her gaze.

There was guilt there...

She would say nothing, no accusations as she simply awaited his reply. He would start with her name and then allow another to drop from his lips. Sibelle. The muscles in her chest contract, torn shoulder and chest causing pain to arch through her body. How dare he touch her sweet Sibelle. Now a different rage arched though her, though she would remain as calm and possible. He was hers. Sibelle was hers. How dare they think the could fool around without her permission. She had brought them all together, scattered them about like the pawns they were but still they were her pawns and how dare they act out of order!

"I see..." Words held no emotion as they dropped like stones from her tongue. What did she say now? What could she say? She was angry but why? She had no reason to be angry after all. But still her anger at her stomach like acid, threatening to explode outwards. It was the same anger that had driven her to throw down with Erani and attempt to exact her vengeance. Had her leg not been maimed she felt like the urge to rip his eyes from his skull might have swept over her in an overwhelming tidal wave. But she couldn't fight as much as she wanted to. She wanted him to feel her rage and pain and betrayal. She wanted so badly to carve those feelings into his flesh so he would be forever reminded of them. But she couldn't... Not yet. "Why these lands?" Her tone remained cold, impartial, forcing herself to change the subject before she hurt herself further by starting something she couldn't even think of finishing.