
Look Nana, I'm All Grown Up

Dutiron i


8 Years
06-28-2014, 04:31 AM

So close to their own lands they had of course caught Bass's call though certainly hadn't really questioned it too much. Even now as it became official the news would somewhat shock the man. Of course Novel had been young when she had first stepped up to the position of alpha, and then dragging him to the position with her. Even so as much as they hated to hear it, it was hard to think of him as all grown up, he was nearing two of course though it didn't make it any easier for the man. He wouldn't comment though and would listen in silence as his grandson spoke.

A smile would be well hidden as he spoke in more detail about his pack, the comment of highly trained guards certainly tickled him slightly. He would remain composed, the emotion wouldn't show on the outside, though inside there was a part of him that felt it was a little ambitious to think of Bass as 'highly trained'. After the experience with Song none in Ahlon had ever been trained so much, a child cast aside in that regime, Lyric had made sure that the same would not happen with her own children. The learning was always encouraged though certainly not in a pressured situation. Dutiron had once unexpectedly been given the opportunity to lead though and so would not question it, instead give the boy a chance and simply be glad that Bass had located Abaven close to Ludicael so contact and assistance could easily continue between the two packs.

Allowing the boy to keep up his alpha appearances rather than the grandchild of Novel and Dutiron, the man would stick to a formal manner. "Well then Azat Bass, what is it you come to us for today?" The words were spoken with a small smile one that was certainly intended to show this time, compassion and pride for the grandson before him now.