
Drowning in a Pool of Regret


05-03-2013, 08:33 PM

Sleep was a wonderful thing. She dozed quietly, the rhythmic movements of Kylars tongue lulling her to sleep. Until a familiar voice reached her ears. Before her kids, Secret hadn't seen much of Vi, and still didn't see much of Vi. Lifting her head, sapphire eyes looked up at the red dame. Why was she here? Eyes narrowed. She didn't want to be around the woman right now. Not that they had any big problems with eachother, it was just more preferable to be apart. If Kylar left her with his sister.... She hardly trusted the woman to help her make the journey home, if she even wanted her help.

It was hard to believe that the two were siblings. They were complete opposites. Not only in looks, but in personalities. She shifted her weight around, turning her hips to the side, leaving her chest pressed against the earth, still remained tucked against Kylar. If he called for his sister he must have something planned. But what? The world around her was still foggy, dehydration only slowly slipping away, but was far from gone. Hunger gnawed at her belly. She would not allow another to care for her like a helpless pup. Kylar only could because she trusted him, but as for his sister... Not so much.

If she could only sleep for a night or so and eat, she would be good to go. She could return home to children and perhaps find out what trouble Kylar is planning. She wasn't stupid, even in her current state. She rarely ever saw the two siblings together, and now here she was. Narrowed gaze drifted to the brute, her stare pinning him with questions. Her demands where interrupted the growling of her stomach and a yawn that parted her jaws.

Ooops forgot this wasnt finished. Now it is!
"Talk here."