
Turn the page [LUDICAEL MEETING]



06-28-2014, 04:36 PM

Dhiren's mood had been bright and cheerful, for the pack was coming together faster than he had anticipated. Once his siblings had arrived, he made sure they knew he was happy to see them. The smile never left his face and his eyes never lost their sparkle. The meeting was about to officially begin...until something so sad and horrible took the happiness out of the atmosphere. Anything happy he tried to think of was sucked up in an invisible vacuum, never to be seen again.
Song was the last one to arrive to the meeting, head bowed with her youngest pup in her jaws. She approached her parents, lowered her son and then herself to curl around him. Tears ran down her cheeks, creating silent streaks that gracefully touched the ground beneath her chin. Dhiren, whose life was slowly coming back together, felt his heart break into two even pieces. He had never seen his mother so upset, nor had he ever lost a sibling in his young life. Dhiren wanted nothing more than to approach her and take away all of her pain, her agony, her loss...What he wouldn't give for the woman who had given him life.
His attention then focused on Dutiron, who introduced the silence for all of them to give for Descant. Dhiren closed his eyes, hoping that the gods had successfully taken hold of Descant's spirit and welcomed him into their heaven without any problems. His eyes were still shut when his grandfather broke the silence to give ranks to the deserving members. When his name was mentioned, he raised his head with silver and gold eyes shimmering with tears. Words weren't said at first, but once he swallowed the urge to sob for his family's loss, he answered in a formal manner. "Yes, Grandfather, I will humbly accept this honor." It was all he could say without letting his voice break.
His gaze moved back to Song's shuddering form, and he couldn't take it anymore. He rose from where he sat, slowly approached his mother, and lowered his head to gracefully lick her crown. Dhiren rested his forehead against hers, tears rolling down his cheeks from behind closed eyes. His heart continued to ache as he silently prayed for the gods to take away the pain that Song had endured and was still holding onto. She didn't deserve any of what she had happening to her and the heavens above knew. Silently, he pulled his head back from hers and lowered himself to the ground, melding into her side and resting his head beside her forearm. "I'm sorry, Mama..." he whispered, tones indicating the heartache he was having for her. Tears continued to fall as he pushed himself more into her side, tail wrapping around hers as his body fell into softer, silent sobs that began to rhythmically become in tune with Song's.

Lineart courtesy of Kaylink on dA - Character belongs to Wynn