
Herbs and Stuff



06-28-2014, 05:35 PM

Gossamir was returning from the Gale Gorge with a fresh crop of herbs to continue her studies. She'd learned a lot from the nomad that had lingered around Tortuga but it seemed now even he was gone. She frowned. Though she had learned enough to be considered a healer she still felt there was a wealth of knowledge she had yet to discover and it was frustrating her. Still she would study, she would learn.

A call rang out and she slowed to a stop. The call was male, from the new pack that she assumed was just forming. They had heard the call in the night, the claim of territory. It was unmistakable. Too curious for her own good Gossamir stalked in direction of the call, fronds of horsetail and a number of other things hanging from her jaws. It was a fair journey but soon she came upon who she supposed was the alpha. Setting down her herbs she gave a quick howl to let him know she was entering his territory and answering the call before she snatched up her cache again and journeyed farther in.

Gossamir Alkali came upon the large male. Saphhire eyes took him in for a moment, he seemed to be of a good nature. Setting down her herbs she grinned and cocked her head to the side. "You rang? My name is Gossamir Akali of Tortuga. You called for healers?"

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]