
Herbs and Stuff


06-28-2014, 06:36 PM

beginning to the end

Faolan had been roaming around the East, stretching out his paws and trying to avoid the harshness winter had brought. He was growing tired of waking up with frost on his nose and the cool air hitting him when he stepped out of his den. Perhaps he had chosen a bad spot to live, or he was just a fair-weathered fellow. Rather than deal with it all day (like say, Dhiren, who had duties for his pack), he decided it was going to be a herb day. Ara had been spending time with Novel to ensure her returning health and needed more items for her stock. That didn't bother Faolan, for he needed something to do and it had to be constructive.
As he searched for herbs or plants that would stand out from the rest, a howl reached his ears. Slowly, he turned his head in the direction it came from and thought about either ignoring it or seeing what the call was for. The latter answered his curiosity and before he could stop himself, he changed direction and headed for a land he had never set foot on. Light green eyes scanned the border as he smelled the strong outline of the land's line. He decided to do the polite thing and howl his presence as well. Not even a second afterward, a silvery paw stepped over it and he ventured into the unknown.
The sounds of rapids approaching met his ears and Faolan slowed his gait. Once he reached the clearing, he saw three unfamiliar wolves seated near the water. Faolan knew if he turned to leave, they would notice; if he chose to be silent, they would notice as well. Due to his silvery frame, he was out of luck for being invisible. A light flush crept across his cheeks when he realized he had come empty-handed. The other wolves had herbs in front of their paws and he had nothing. Slowly, he stopped a respectful distance away as he looked at each wolf. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I heard the call and...I was wondering if it was for anyone or just your members?" He silently waited for an answer before making another move.

Puppy Talk

we are alive