



10 Years
06-28-2014, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 09:37 PM by Harmony.)

Her blood had noticed her cheerful call, and emerged from the bushes, looking rather down. As he approached, his bass voice spoke, greeting her, and commenting upon her denning area. His cream based pelt would meet hers, as he leaped upon the outcrop, to her left side. "Thank you, Bass... I decided I didn't want to crush all of my well-collected herbs. Being a healer requires traveling to find the herbs you need." From her inky lips elicited a hearty chuckle, as she continued. "Thank the gods I figured out a way to counteract the venomous snake bites around here, with the way they run amok." His wet nose suddenly met her shoulder, a soft kiss resting upon it, near her heart, before he would lower himself to the floor of the outcrop, planting his head upon her eggshell colored paws. Mocha auditories would lower, as her brother gave a sigh of desperation, a whisper barely coming off his tongue. She closed her eyes, her warm smile warping into a look of concern, as she bent over, her crown lightly touching his own, softly kissing his neck fur, as he would nuzzle her legs for comfort. Her scent wasn't exactly pleasing, being of wild herbs and bark. Her blood did not seem to care, but enjoy it.

She could not stand to see him so down, and as he lifted her crown to soothe himself, and began to groom her mocha cloak. Her crown would lower, as she gave him a soft nuzzle, inky lips parting to allow a string of lyrics spoken in a soothing and sweet voice. "Bass, I know you can..." Mismatched orbs were squeezed tight as she would lower herself, raising her left foreleg to go about the larger pearly male, mismatched orbs opening again as she squeezed him within her embrace, a soft hug. "If anyone can, it's you... Remember, we're here for you... and always will be there if you need any help... I love you more than anyone else, Bass." Her lyrics were soft spoken and hushed, a whisper only for the male to hear. Once more, she would squeeze him, a sign of comfort and to show that he was safe with her. Behind her, her plush banner rose and fell, resting upon her blood's rump, to soothe him further. "Always remember that... please..." The verse was like any other, but at a lower tone, a plea for him to never give up on himself, and to never give up on seeking advice. "We all learn from each other." Her inky lips folded into a warm comforting smile, as she licked the fur upon his neck, before resting her head lightly across his paws, rolling now onto her side, her legs to the right of the male, outward, and her head bent to lie within his paws, mismatched orbs full of light.
