
Takes two to play together

Motif I


4 Years
06-28-2014, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 10:03 PM by Motif I.)

The girl was apparently to enter the ranks as a guard ? her brother had explained to her some of the working of his pack, with the numerous guards that where loaned out to packs in return for favours. It all seemed strange to her, but one thing of it all she could make sense of was that she was to be Bass's personal guard. She had always looked out for her brothers back, so hearing it as an official title only felt natural. He said that there was no one he would rather have protecting him, then her and for her that made the world right.

She would find herself navigating his plains with a suspicious eye out for the serpents he often spoke of living here. She had discovered early on that if you bite off the head there juicy flesh beneath the scales was a treat. However they where just as quick to strike at her as she was to do so to them. It became a game of sorts and her dash through the plains would be met with jumps and twists and laughter as she easily sped past any of the creatures she spotted, occasionally, jumping over their forms and striking for the head before they had a chance to retaliate.

There was more to find today then just her games with the snakes, today she sought also after her brother and would not be disappointed. She would approach his form with the same caution she gave the snakes, dashing forward to touch a lick to his spine half way down his back and twirling away again with laughter. ?Catch me, brother? she dared him.
