
Dawn of Gods


06-28-2014, 10:50 PM
luns gave me pp to just pretend like dae was too stunned to fight further, but if anyone else wants to continue this let me know. i just didnt see a point since this is outdated xD BUT I NEEDED TO POST AN EXIT CAUSE IM ORGANIZED LIKE THAT.

Right shoulder ruthlessly slams into the dappled wraith?s left side, carnivorous jaws simultaneously carving bloody trenches into the woman?s left shoulder--though no grip is maintained due to her adversary?s sideways motion, and gored jaws are left to threateningly gape before the fallen woman?s eyes. Defenses remain secured as she hovers above her opponent, attention briefly wavering to the pathetic heap of her defeated brother and then to her wounded sister, fury left to seep from pallid pores as she assesses the damage done. ?Go,? vocals are a guttural snarl--a domineering command the phantom directs towards her youthful half-siblings with the intentions of forcing them to escape harm?s way; she will handle whatever punishment they deserve on her own, even if that means facing the cowardly tactics of these Arcanum worms. Chest inflates and deflates rapidly as adrenaline freely surges throughout her veins, motions stilled until the haggard forms of her siblings slip out of sight and into the perpetual fog that encumbers their former home. Mismatched gaze ravages the three remaining assailants--tauntingly--sinewy muscle rippling eagerly beneath taut flesh, silently baiting them to attack her so that she may mercilessly admonish them for their pitiful display; though they do not move to attack her. A snort brushes past velveteen nostrils as she backs away slowly, amethyst and silver gaze narrowed in contempt before the banshee turns her back on them and slips through the underbrush of her former domain and after her siblings.

---exeunt artemis and co