
Stories of the Past

Taska Takira

05-03-2013, 09:43 PM
Kira shifted her body, her large paws holding her strong chest up. She was built much like her mother, she even acted like her mother, or how a three month old saw her mother act. Kira smiled at the memory of her, She was so soft, but was quite; the most Kira ever heard her mother talk was when she was telling stories, any other time they where one liners, or even a few words. Her mother was loving but held back, a shadow in her eyes, her scares gleaming. The Scares where the reason for the first story she told Kira, about her grandparents and her aunt and uncle. The story brought forth many emotions for both of them, pain and abandonment for her mother, a old festering wound that refused to fully close; but Kira felt sadness and regret for her mother, she was denied the most basic thing in her life so early on that it seemed to leave a scare far deeper then the angry red lines still on her face.

The black dam moved her large body, her feet moving but stopped suddenly, it felt like she was being watched. She turned her head, her amber eyes looking, seeing anything that moved. and sure enough a white ghost seemed to be moving in the distance. It was moving with purpose toward her. Kira stopped her shifting, her eyes locked onto the white female that was now standing not too far from her. She seemed to be confused about something, which was voiced in her question. Kira tilted her head at the white furred woman. She was a small thing, but with piercing red eyes.

Taska Takira let her confusion drop to be replaced by amusement, for the girls question seemed to ask about her whole life, not just this moment. Was something missing? Yes, just about everything was missing. Kira chuckled to herself, "Nothing more then normal miss. Hell, what is not missing from my life?" Kira sat down, her paws kicking up dirt and sand. She tilted her head at the girl, her ears forward, and gave her a crocked grin. "So, now that we know I am missing everything in my life, why are you in this barren landscape? Are you missing anything?" Kira watched the white furred and red eyed girl with interest, she had never seen a wolven with such a pale pelt, even other white wolvens, she wondered about her story.