
Night Beckons


05-03-2013, 09:54 PM

No impatience crept into her stance, for the woman had all the time in the world. She was well aware of her brother's presence in the far-off distance, but knew he was not close enough for his scent to be noticed. If he was unwilling to encroach on this pack's lands, he would make his displeasure known to her. But ears swiveled atop her head, catching no sounds from his direction. Massive paws carried the female back and forth, pacing the borders of the unfamiliar pack's lands. Meanwhile, her pale yellow gaze would examine the mountainous terrain in the distance. While it lacked the arctic terrain she was so used to, something was oddly appealing about the vast expanse of terrain she saw before her.

Xhen was somewhat surprised when her call was answered. The hour was late, which was why her call was soft and not the slightest bit assertive. But in the distance she saw the approaching form of another, and her posture straightened, not wanting to seem rude right away. Gaze remained fixated on her as she neared the spot where Xhen stood. Immediately the female inquired about her intentions here, hardly even greeting her.

"Your lands intrigue me," she stated honestly, voice low but sincere as she observed the wolf before her. "I know nothing of your wolves or your traditions. I've never heard the name Tortuga uttered before." Her tones were serious, lacking in sweetness, though it was void of aggression. No particular emotion was visible on her solemn facade, though her gaze was unwavering. Honest, if anything. "Truthfully, these lands remind me of where I was raised. I suppose I'm seeking a place to call home, and this is where my paws have taken me." Eyes gleamed as she averted her gaze, letting her attention wander over the landscape.

The arrival of another female was unexpected, but not entirely surprising. A glance was given to her, a simple nod of acknowledgement.