


06-29-2014, 10:51 AM

Ooc;; OMG you made a table of them!!! It's so purdy!!

Her dear wife would calm slightly, relaxing a bit despite the blood surrounding Vi and the stress she must have been under during Vi's leave. So much had happened. Vi wanted to tell her it all but her mind felt foggy and unfocused, pain was all she could concentrate on. Her walk back from Tortuga had been long and painful, she had allowed left forelegs to dangly uselessly toward the ground, curling paw up so it wouldn't drag but not daring to test her shoulder muscles and curl it further up. It was agony, but she still wasn't sure if that or her spine hurt more... So many scars? Would Desiree find her vicious now? Her beautiful red pelt torn and marred. "I'll call Orchid in a bit, for now I just want you. It's been too long..." She would murmured, reaching clears to attempt to run her nose along Desiree's leg and to her shoulder.

Desiree's reply was comforting, she was passionate and earnest with her words. She would stand behind Vi and her decision to challenge for the pack. Could she have found a better wife? A better partner to rule a pack with? "She left me more torn then I left her unfortunatly. But I ripped the crown from her head. Valhalla is ours now. I will be handing it to Svan... She had been a loyal and active member within the pack and I think her age makes her an experianced leader and fighter. Unless there is someone else you might think more suitable?" Vi had to ask, though Svan was Vi's favorite maybe Desiree knew of another. Vi had thought of Rune and Scorpion and Crucifix as well but in all honesty she didn't want to let them go. And something a it a female ruler seemed right.

"After the battle... I went north to Vixe's grave to pay him the blood he was owed. Unfortunatly the land he was burried in is claimed by another pack now and I did a bit of trespassing. A blood loss fueled idea I believe... They queen found me and attacked me, at first I fought back but then I allowed her to rip a chunk from my shoulder as repentance for my deeds. She also believed that I was the one who started the plague and poisoned everyone..." She chuckled softly, shaking her head. It was kind of funny even though somewhere in the back of her mind worried for the state of her leg. Would it be functional ever again? "But tell me, what has happened here since I left?" She was curious to know how Desiree and Cru had managed in her absence, if they had had any issues or troubles.

Table by Azil