
I Fell the Chaos Around Me


06-29-2014, 11:59 AM

He had yet to be welcomed into his families pack, but that did not stopped the cursed one from roaming on the other side of the border. He wanted to feel important again, to rise above his cursed state and actually do something to please the gods. A low timber sigh passed from his pink lips, his similar hued eyes casting glances into Olympus territory. It was there and only there that he could make himself matter, that he could prove that the gods had a better plan for him. Ruefully he paced the lines, wishing to rise above the other pure bloods. Was that his meaning to walk this earth? Was that truly the plans that they has laid out for him, or was it his own wishful thinking? Apollo didn't know, with his struggle to remain firm in his faith he often confused the two.

A rustle of steps and a soft click brought his attention out from his own mind. The albino demon froze, his ruby gaze attempting to lock into whoever was about. A small gray and black form came into view, and right away he knew who this young woman was. Gaia, hier to the throne. He had heard of her lessons with his mother, and he was glad that she had a good teacher. He himself often forgot that his mother had no sight at all, she operated herself so well that it wad hard to tell the difference. He knew that clicking sound was a lesson of hers, he as a child had heard it many times. Apollo cleared his throat to catch her attention, wagging his tail to try and let his musk billow towards her. Even if they had not met, his scent was somewhat similar to his mothers, at least she would know that he was no threat. He did not speak though, he simply awaited her to notice the colourless brute. If she did not, he had no problems calling to attention once more, in a more vocal manner.