
The Swaying Grasses

Thaddeus Rogue

05-04-2013, 03:10 AM
Thaddeus Rogue was so absorbed in sad thoughts he did not see one of his siblings come trotting up with one of his minnie-me trailing behind. Rogue was jolted out of his thoughts by said minnie-me's voice. He looked down at the little form of the pups, she was black and white much like himself, she looked up at him with big round eyes filled with such innocence. Flashes of the past mixed with the present, Instead of the blue eyes of Gargoyle's offspring, he was seeing 'little sister's' brown ones, looking at him with such trust, looking at him like he was the world. Flash He was back with his brothers get, her blue eyes full of questions and wonder.

Rogue smiled at the little scamp, she was a cutie, much like her lovely mother. But he would have to not say that to Gargie or his young, He might make good on his threat and steal his tail, and well Rogue was rather fond of his tail and lets be for real, black and white does not match his hide. Rogue smiled as he looked at the little one, his eyes soft, she did remind him of 'little sister'. "Hi little one." He leaned down and ran his tongue across her head in greeting. "I am your uncle because I am your fathers brother." He smiled down at her, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Your fathers much handsomer brother." He winked at the little girl his blue eyes filled with mischief. "But lets not tell him I said that, he may not take kindly to me saying that."

But it was the last question made him stop cold, laughter and playfulness all draining from his face and eyes. Flash, he was back in that bloody war, fear but yet courage filling his system. He would protect them, with his last breath. He lashed and lunged, blood covered his face and the rest of him, his and the attacking wolves. He was getting tiered he knew, but this war could not last forever... It had to stop when one or both sides had exhaust their resources, right? But seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours, it felt like it was never going to end, until a small scream hit the air.

It was then that time slowed to a crawl, he did not think, he just moved, placing himself in front of the small form of the little pup that. Pain, lots of pain is all he could remember, he could feel skin and muscle tear as teeth ripped into his flesh. That was the last thing he remembered before he woke a few days later. His throat torn out and his jugular nearly fallowed.

Flash, he was back, looking down at his brothers line, her eyes still filled with the question that kicked him into the past. "I got it in a battle long ago, I was protecting a little girl, a girl much like yourself, darlin'. Come little one, sit with me, lets watch the grasses together, and you can tell me how your wrestling is going." He sat on his rump then, his tail curled about him, his green blue eyes watching her small form, he wanted this, he wanted to remember her, not in the final moments of battle or her disappointed face when he told her she could not go with him, but as they where before the war that left him with his 'pretty pink line', a badge of courage and also the remembrance of who he was willing to give his life for. He wanted to remember 'little sister' as she was, the cute little mischievous pup, the little girl that looked up to him...