
Me And My Broken Heart


06-29-2014, 04:23 PM

Silveris sat there, shivering and letting out little whimpers, her fur still bristling with fear and sadness. She was lost in her own thoughts, and she barely managed to glance at Emery every few moments, her head lowered and her eyes watering with unshed tears. She didn't want to believe that the worst had happened to her family, but, after what Destruction had said, Silveris wasn't sure if they were still out there. After a few moments of trying to calm herself down, Silveris let out a ragged sigh. She wanted to tell her friend about Biull and Bekkia. But before she could open her jaws, Emery had stood to his paws and shook his head. He wrapped his head around her neck, and Silveris smiled weakly before he spoke, his voice firm after she said she hadn't found her family. ?No,? Silveris glanced at him, and stared up at his cyan eyes, a small smile on her maw as she looked at him. It took a moment, but Emery finally spoke again, and Silveris listened to everything he said, wagging her tail as he spoke.

?It was a single skull, and you lost all of your family. Your siblings were younger, your mother would not have abandoned them, and they sounded close. They would not have left each other. It was another wolf, and somewhere out there, I am certain they are alive. They are out there. Like my mother is as well. And my siblings. We will see them again someday. I promise. We?ll keep searching for them together, Silveris. I?m here for you. I won?t leave you. We?ll figure this out.? Parting her jaws again, Silveris smiled at him, and spoke, her voice hesitant. "Emery......I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure I....I like you." And then it was out of her mouth, no taking it back. Silveris stared at him a moment longer, then glanced away uneasily.

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