
The Swaying Grasses



05-04-2013, 05:13 AM


Orica liked her Uncle! He was funny... even if she didn't quite understand some of his jokes. She didn't really understand the concept of 'handsome' yet. There was 'pretty' like her Mama or the butterflies or the sky, and there was 'ugly' like the bat that had flown out of the back of the pack cave once. Just thinking of it made her shudder. Still, even if she didn't understand the jibe at her Papa, she wagged her tail along, just happy to please and get attention.

And she was glad to learn what an uncle was. She had SO much family. All the other pups who were something like siblings, and then Aunty Crusade and Aunty Keki. And there were others too! Maka and Arcane and Asheni! And Frisk - whatever he counted as. Orica had sorta taken to thinking of her aunts - espically Crusade and Keki as 'Other Mamas'. Maybe Rogue was her 'Other Papa'. he looked alot like her away!

But then her uncle grew quite. Was he mad at her? Did he not like the question? She cocked her head to the side, resting it on one shoulder as she gazed up, waiting wide-eyed, for the male to answer. He looked less happy now. More like he'd looked when she'd seen him from the distance, before running closer. Kinda sad... The girl didn't see sad people very often, and she wanted to cheer him up. But before she could try he was speaking again.

He got it while protecting someone? But that meant... that meant it was a wound! And a great big one too! She and her brother and sister and 'other siblings' were always play fighting, but no one had ever really gotten hurt. Certainly not like that. Orica thought back to the other pink lines she'd seen. And patches! She gasped - Crusade had a whole patch over the side of her face - and a pink hole where her other eye should've been... Did that mean that that had happened to her in a fight, too?

"Come little one, sit with me, lets watch the grasses together, and you can tell me how your wrestling is going." Orica padded over on little white fairy paws and flopped her haunches down beside the much larger male. They could sit together now, staring at the waves of browns and golds and greens. The grass was so tall and healthy... could it really all turn white in a few weeks? There she was though, letting her mind wander again. Her uncle had asked her a question!

"Oh I like wrestling!" Orica replied in her little squeak. "I other day I made F'isk cry for help from Papa!" She dissolved into a fit of giggles, that, under the circumstances, seemed a little naughty. "But you know Nuncle... when I grow up, I don't think I want to put any of dose pink lines on people." She twitched her big ears. "I wanna be da one to fix 'em up!"
