
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
06-29-2014, 07:15 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He caught up with her, as she had expected him to, and fell into step beside her with a little nudge. Tahlia smiled and then brighter when he kissed her cheek, feeling as if her paws grazed the earth in a hover rather than carried her upon it. When she had set out away from the den that morning she had never expected things to take the turn that they had. She had thought maybe to just stretch and run about a little bit to counter the time that she spent cooped up inside the den, but instead she had used that time to reacquaint herself with her husband. It had been pleasantly unexpected, a much needed moment for themselves, and even now when all was said and done she still felt the lingering happiness, and likely would for a while yet.

She listened as he spoke to her, catching the slight pause between his words, and glanced a sidelong, assessing look at him. Actually, a nap did sound like a wonderful idea; she just could not say yet whether the pups would have been up for it considering Anais had been watching them while she had been away. For all she knew, they could have already been sleeping during her time with Bane. "Alright," she answered simply, giving a slight nod of her head and looking ahead at the den that she could see. Her husband left her there outside of it, offering a nuzzle that she readily returned, and as he shifted to settle himself there on the ground Tahlia proceeded inside.

Anais was still with the young ones, the pups still playing but in a manner that suggested to Tahlia that they had been about it long enough to be tired beneath their constant movements. They were at her paws as soon as they saw her there creeping into the den, telling her of their time spent with their older sibling, and she smiled at them tenderly as she listened. Her dark gold eyes shifted to the grey-gold pup as she got to her paws with a tail wag, looking only a little worse for the wear and smiling with something that might have had a touch of relief to it. She nuzzled her elder daughter and thanked her for babysitting, all the while guiding her toward the exit with the added advice of letting her father sleep on her way out. And with that taken care of, she settled in the den with Kailos and Lior and got them to reluctantly lay down, knowing in a matter of minutes they would cave and all of them would be able to rest after.

-Exit Tahlia through sleep-