
Clean slates


05-04-2013, 07:03 AM

[Image: champion_wanderer_by_kidrylm_writer-d641iq6.png]


More and more wolves assembled. First came A blind giant who seemed on very friendly terms with Newt. Then...Vaas, coming in all blood and balls and glory. Champion felt her shoulders heave with a sigh. It was on some level amusing - but there was confidence, and then there was pointless cockiness. Still, she had no delussions. He wouldn't give so much a mouse tail to know her thoughts. They'd met on bad terms - intending to do some damage, and now it seemed they were to share the same home.

Champion perked an ear and looked over the male's way as he sat down. What exactly did she think on the matter? That was when he turned and shot a wink and a kiss. "Well my day is made." she muttered under breath in a voice as dry as bone.

But there was more to see - next came Frayer. The one with all the ambition and none of the warrior abilities. Perhaps she'd been too hard on him at the border. Perhaps in time she'd get to see a different side of him. Perhaps. For now, though, he wasn't worth anymore of her notice. Now came a black male with purple eyes - hadn't Champion seen him somewhere before? Tortuga? Apparently she wasn't the only migratory creature.

But now her thoughts quieted. More wolves come in - one of them with colors almost perfectly matching her own, but Champion's relaxed red gaze was focused on the Queen. Newt was speaking. It was quite a monologue. In it, Champion learned a bit more of the past pack - which Newt had alluded to when they'd first met. She learned of changing rules, and of new standards for the pack... as well as the plans for the future. Champion digested it all carefully. Yes, if she was careful where she stepped she could fit in here nicely.

After Newt's speech came a silence. Wolves glanced around, holding their tongues. Champion even saw a look of uncertainty tint the eyes of the brownish fae next to her. Though a bold, brash sort of wolf at heart, Champion had been raised in a milita. When in the presence of higher command, she didn't speak unless spoken to... but Newt had asked for comments. Champion took the Grey Lady at her word.

"I should like to speak, Newt." Champion said respectfully. She stood with a nod and glanced abound the gathering. "For those who know me not, allow me to introduce myself as Champion. Formerly I was a wander - hailing from the Far North and old Tortuga - but now I am honored to call Amenti my home." She looked to Newt "And I am pleased to hear these dreams you have for the future of the pack. The world needs a breed of wolf that is not afraid to hunt down and punish the deserving." There the causal listener would've heard only a complement, but Champion was also stating her position on the matter. The 'desrving' were the only ones she would punish. So long as such was the case, she would be the first in line to follow orders and stain her paws with blood, but Champion was a creature of morals, and if she believed the target too hastily chosen she would do her best to advise against it. This was all left in sub context, Champion's own words picked up immediately, and was now directed more towards her packamtes:

"However, 'dreams' are all they will be unless all of us give sweat and blood to achieve them. Newt has seen fit to name me as her Beta, and with her permission and guidance I'll be organizing several training sessions for all those that call themselves warriors. And of course, if every any of you wish for advise, or sparring,or just feel like ripping a little fur -" she glanced temptuously in the direction of the dark, blue-eyed male. "-then I would be most happy to obligue."

Her piece said, Champion resumed her seat.