
isle of flightless birds


06-29-2014, 09:14 PM
He hadn't expected to see his brother. Seeing his sister was enough to bring him such great joy, filling his heart until he swore it might burst, but to hear Gus's voice was another thing entirely. slowly his head turned, emerald gaze adjusting to meet his brother's bright stare. A smile engulfed his gentle features, the wag in his tail increasing dramatically as he grew fully aware of his brother's presence.

His head shook in mild disbelief. He leaned to offer the male beside him a simple nuzzle, unabashed in his affection for his sibling, before turning to see June's own gleeful expression. "It seems you forget how deeply you love someone until the threat of never seeing them again becomes a reality," he mused aloud, husky voice brimming with gratitude. "I have missed you as well, brother."

August spoke of a pack that he had joined, known as Tortuga. his own mind swarmed, thoughts of a new pack becoming lost in the other things that now came to him. He missed the rest of his family terribly, but so much of his pain seemed to disappear upon reuniting With his two siblings. "I can't say I know what my plans are quite yet," he began, a seriousness creeping into his tones. "Perhaps I may become familiar with these lands for awhile. maybe search for some of our cousins. But I will not go far."

(I took ages to reply to this and I know stuff has happened since, sooo might jsut assume July has been wandering nearby for a bit after this?)