
Lights Out


06-29-2014, 09:19 PM

When Hel noticed that there was another wolf in her family's home, the female went on the prowl. She was small still, though she was beginning to pack bulk onto her frame, and was growing swiftly despite her lack of a mother. She hardly thought of Imena nowadays, her 'second mother,' whom Aksel had latched onto so strongly. Hel had simply assumed that she'd abandoned them, and her father's words had only served to support this. This had effectively sealed her off from those outside her family - they all seemed to leave, didn't they?

Whatever. Hel didn't need them. And she was on the hunt for this stranger, this wolf who walked in her family's lands. The Frosts and her uncles owned this place, even if they didn't officially own it. "Hello?" Hel called out, raising her thin voice to carry as well as it could. She wasn't sure if the stranger was nearby, but Hel rather hoped so. She kind of wanted to see someone from outside her family, for all that she had thought mere moments ago that she didn't need anyone other than her father and her siblings.

Ears swivelling, Hel peered about, stretching onto her toes to try and look over the grass. No one was going to sneak up on her!


"Normal." vs "Speech." v.s. 'Thought.'