
Master the merry-go-round


06-29-2014, 09:22 PM

The was no doubt in her mind that Pandora would become an even bigger pain in the ass once she met Vi. She new the red woman would fuel her fire and turn her into a man killer. There was not a man here that would be able to resist her niece. And that was going to get her into trouble. But the woman said nothing, only smirking lightly. Her sister would voice the reasoning behind her concern. "A minor slip up, Ill announce it at the next meeting." She would chuckle at the image that unfolded with her sister vowed to be beside her should someone decide to act foolishly.

The conversation would suddenly take a turn, one that caused tattered ears fall loosely against her skull. A sigh rolled off her tongue before she spoke. "I miss him, but he's not the first man to leave." Her words were quiet. It was the first time she had ever admitted it. Only Falk knew of Aeron, but even he only knew the basics. Her gaze would fall to the ground, brows furrowing before smoothing out once more.

"Talk" "You" Think