
Out And About


06-29-2014, 09:35 PM
i used to think when you were gone

{i'd still hear voices in these halls}

June felt a hesitant smile cross her features as Galahad spoke, ears pricking attentively towards him as he spoke. He seemed nice, overall, and June felt more relaxed in his company than in the company of many other wolves. "I would like that," She began carefully, voice surprisingly strong to be coming out of her maw, "It would be nice to see you again." Was that her saying that? She didn't know - but she liked it. The thought of making a friend that wasn't her brothers was a new idea to this girl, but it was one that seemed comforting. To have someone to turn to other than the wolves she'd been raised with would be new and strange and yet, June liked the thought of it being Galahad.

She hadn't even thought of it before, but as soon as Galahad mentioned being hungry, June's stomach gave a little rumble and the girl wagged her tail lightly to hide her embarrassment. "I'm up for it if you are," June let the words roll of her tongue with a nervous laugh, "I think we could handle it." She didn't have the confidence to take on large prey on her own, but the thought of having Galahad backing her up made her feel significantly more confident. If she messed up, he would surely be able to make up for it, right? And food would definitely help. It would be nice to not still be feeling hungry after a hunt for once.

no, you're never really dead to mejune kalendae