
A shadow among many

Athena I


9 Years
06-29-2014, 11:47 PM

It felt amazing today. The sun was shining, making everything around her glisten, and while it was still as cold as ever in the frigid north the sun warmed her fur and made the chill a little less apparent. While the young queen didn't often wander away from her empire, she decided that it was good to get out and stretch her legs from time to time. It grew dull seeing the same things day in and day out and it was always good to know the layout of the territories that surrounded her own. Besides, she trusted Vereux and Liberty to keep things in line in her absence and it wasn't like she would be gone long. That's what brought her out here today, merely sight seeing and enjoying the perfect weather. Well, perfect for a fea that had been born and raised in the snow anyway.

She padded across the icy surface with a slight smile touching her muzzle, her tail swinging lazily back and forth behind her. Her paws had adopted something of a waltzing, graceful walk as her normal gait and now was no different. She hummed quietly as she walked and with her naturally rhythmic walk it almost seemed like she was dancing. The Queen had visited these wood several times before so she was no longer surprised by their sights, but that did not mean that she was not impressed by them.

Of course, it wasn't the towering trees that caught her attention, it was the dark coated male working his way down the snow bank. Her ears perked as her ruby and emerald gaze found him and she watched him curiously with a smirk. It was always obvious when someone wasn't really accustomed to the landscape of the north and wasn't used to its ways. Curious as ever and always on the look out for wolves to recruit, she padded toward him, giving him a slight smile. "Lovely day, isn't it?" she asked conversationally, turning around with a flick of her tail so that she was walking along side him, not wanting to disrupt his stroll. "I am Athena Armada. Who might you be?"
