
Turn the page [LUDICAEL MEETING]



10 Years
06-30-2014, 01:01 PM

A smile rested on her placid features for a long moment. Not soon after she settled down near her parents, she turned to nudge Novel gently. She didn't fully understand how deeply she cared for the girl, and while her feelings confused her, to rationalize it seemed unimportant. She watched as her mother arrived with her father at her side, both moving slowly but surely toward the gathering. She saw how content they both looked, despite their age and their gradually deteriorating health, and she found her smile growing as she nodded to her mother in silent greeting.

Her thoughts were peaceful, and she was surprised at Song's sudden arrival. She carried a smile child in her mouth -- Ara nearly gasped as she watched his limp body fall to the earth. She felt herself tense as she grew aware of what had happened. Song's child had not made it.

Dutiron i quickly spoke, asking for a moment of silence for the child, and Ara bowed her head silently. Ranks were offered quickly, and one to Novel. She felt pride swell in her chest for her friend's achievements, and she involuntarily leaned into her slightly. She herself had asked for a rank once, in Seracia, but no heed had been given to the girl's inquiry. After all, she'd been but a child, but she knew better than to ask again. She would remain quiet as she watched Novel humbly accept the position, but she also saw the sadness evident in her gaze for her brother's death. Soon she saw tears slipped from her gaze, and felt her move from her side to find comfort in Dhiren's presence.

A soft, hardly audible sigh left her own lips, sadness pulling at her heart for the loss of the child she had not known. Silently she would find her way to Faolan's side, knowing that he felt pain at the disappearance of Enola, though he had not vocalized it to her yet. Gently she nuzzled him, seeking comfort as well as offering some to him.