
These Lands Are Our Lands (p2)


06-30-2014, 05:56 PM

A sheepish smile was sent to the woman after she had complimented Bass's name and his siblings names. She watched cheerfully as he patted the ground with his tail, and quickly smiled in return to him. Truly, she could talk to this man for hours and hours. He was so interesting and fun, as well as being great company for her. The man was also very good looking- and more than that, quite the cute king. She wished she would have waited until this new pack was created so she could of joined alongside him. It would of been so nice to feel like she was under his command- and to have her king a good friend of hers.
"Maybe we can do a duet sometime." The words of the young royal sent excited shivers running up her long spine. She shifted around in place and happily thought of their voices colliding, becoming a harmonized song. Just thinking of it made her smile. Maybe the pair could do it while they were at their meeting place? And maybe discuss things blood wise? Ooh, how she was excited. But first she wanted to finish this meeting with him. To 'bring him in closer.' Another hum of the man's soft voice sounded almost confused- but instead, she thought of it as teasing. Flirting.
Eyelids would slowly roll halfway shut, and a soft giggle would bubble at her throat as he joked and teased. Or to what Wren thought, flirted. The woman mentioned going to the glowshroom cavern with him, and he had kindly offered to instead go to the Hot Springs. "What about at the Hot Springs? Abaven and Ludicael's borders meet there." It almost sounded like a better idea. They could relax in those pools of warmth together. Giggling softly to herself, she refocused herself back on Bass and opened her maw to a light lyrical song. Oh, yeah, that sounds better. But for now-...
Wren slowly stood up onto all fours and slowly made her way to Bass, beginning to circle him. As she did this, she brushed her tail across his back, curling it half-way around his neck like a cat. She stopped as his side and laughed softly. Now the boy should know she was flirting- wasn't it pretty obvious...? Wren lifted her head and smirked, but then spoke again in a rather playful voice, ...what made you want to become a king? Her ears flattened back against her skull, and the babe continued to rest her tail around his neck like a scarf. Flirting, yes, but nothing too serious. "Speech"