
It's Time To Begin



06-30-2014, 07:36 PM

To see the man?s aggression fade, to see his colossal structures begin to ease and his mind wander, Isardis would only stiffen, grow more rigid. The red ghoul would retract his stake from the rusted earth with an effortlessness cast only by his size, his daunting mannerisms; and oh how the Albino would crave to believe the Adravendi had recoiled his challenge through fear, had withdrawn his canines from the Armada?s only through his sight of Isardis, through his terror of a potential haunting. Alas, he knew not one bit of it was true; it was only the monster who had managed to defeat an otherwise supreme King, so why should he be afraid? He had little reason to be.

As the sickening child would shudder words from his ebony lips, Isardis would snarl, hackles bristling atop a curving spine as his muscles pushed the being to his full height; an impressive stature, but still no match for the red boy. The lyrics haunted his ears, sent coral towers twitching backwards against his skull, saliva growing heavy, ?No, boy; when you wish to die, we will meet alone. There will be no war until one of us lay rotting, until millions of tiny mouths feed from our corpse. Perhaps then, when one of us are no more than a picked skeleton, our families will decide the fate of a second battle.? Eerily steady his voice would preach of honesty, if the bastard wanted to face him again? it would be to the death.