
In Disbelief, I Didn't Know (EBONY)


06-30-2014, 08:21 PM

She would listen attentively, Raisa was gone, Katja was taking her place, there would be a slight change in ranks. Overall, she was unimpressed and had no desire to be here. She had never been close to the ex-Queen, but she was sad to hear of her departure, the woman had been so kinda when they first met. But things changed. Perhaps this was the time for her and Ares to leave? The children were due any day, and once they were old enough, they could travel to another pack, hopefully finding one that would suite them better. A quiet sigh rolled off her tongue and she leaned against Ares, tired eyes tipped up towards him. Would this be over soon? She had nothing against Katja personally, the woman was she sure she would be a great leader, but maybe not a great leader for her family. The woman only planned to stay long enough to let Katja know that the pups were due any day, after that she had plans to return to their den and hopefully sleep. Maybe eat too. Her belly growled in agreement, a sheepish grin pulling lightly at her dark lips. Her beauty sleep plummeted while her appetite shot through the roof. She honestly could not wait for the pups to be born and go back to her normal self.
