
A frozen Waste


02-09-2013, 05:42 PM
Ookami looked at Thane and begun to walk after Thane sent Cyril off to look ahead. She let out a sigh and looked at the cold ground that was beginning to freeze her paws. Raising her head she looked at Thane and rubbed up against him with a smile upon her face. She did miss him and she knew that he would never let anything bad happen to her, but she felt like only bad things happen around her, first her family gets killed by a bear, then the storm hit and it put both Thane's and her own life in danger. Her green eyes scanned off into the distance to only see some ice and bushes here and there. The sign of other things than ice sent a smile upon Ookami's maw.

"Thane do you see that!It's Green not ice." She said as her tail begun to sway with joy. She looked over at Thane and continued to walk a little faster she wanted off of this ice it hurt her paws and she wanted nothing to do with it anymore. She knew she would not have liked it in Thane's old home in Russia but if she had to she would deal with it if it meant she would get to be with her beloved once more.