
an interesting notion [alliance]



7 Years

07-01-2014, 01:50 AM

As he sat before the tiger, her comment did indeed make him chuckle. He was quite the teasing man in fact, so he knew that just from her nature that she would fit in well with them if that is where her intentions were. "Interesting indeed, you wouldn't expect to see a great big kitty within all these wolves." He said, a full out laugh bubbling up from within his chest. He wondered where her intentions did stand, but apparently he did not have to wait long, as the wild cat spoke once more.

Joining Abaven? Bass's head tilted to the side, his mind reeling. "I am honoured that you have chosen Abaven, great tiger Chaika. By the laws of the land, packs are not allowed to accept other creatures into their ranks." His voice held sad notes, he did not want to push the tiger away. His face brightened up however, a loop hole coming into mind. "There is nothing in those laws that forbids one such as yourself from forming an alliance with us however. That will grant you free access to all our lands and even our training threads. I am sure us wolves could learn a thing or too from the attacks of a cat. Perhaps we could all sharpen our claws on trees and start purring." He teased, not being able to help his always silly manner. "I cannot rank you Chaika, but Abaven will have you as one of its members none the less. You are welcome to live among us." He stepped closer to the cat, realizing just how much power sat within those coiled muscles. He had the utmost respect for the tiger, as he rubbed his head against her shoulder to mark her with the scent of Abaven. "I am Bass Destruction, Azat of these lands. You can just call me Bass though." He chuckled, stepping back and winking at the cat.