
Together Again (TORTUGA)



8 Years
07-01-2014, 11:41 AM

August and Gossimer both appeared in short order, and she gave a quiet greeting to both. A third wolf she had yet to meet appeared, standing back from the others, and Qanik dipped her head to him in greeting, though she said nothing for now. Introductions would keep for the moment, for there were more wolves coming. Misha, Roman who came to sit at her right side, Melody... and Flamesong.

Despite her earlier resolve, her heart clenched painfully in her chest, muscles barely keeping from trembling as her stomach knotted. Qanik fixed her gaze out over the heads of the Tortuga wolves for a moment, fighting back the hurt and anger all over again that they wouldn't see how it effected her. Ritsuka's approach was a welcome distraction. She was glad to see her young friend looking well, gladder still to see the way he pressed against Gossamir. They were good wolves, both of them, and they deserved to be happy.

But one person she cared for did not seem to be happy at all as he approached the meeting. Dayton, the young wolf who last time she had seen him was so happy, so confident and vibrant in his love for his mate Misha. Now he seemed thin, downtrodden. He didn't sit by Misha, she saw. Her heart went out to him - how well she knew what he was going through. She would need to go to him after the meeting - before his pain led to something bad happening.

The harried arrival of the healer-guardian Elli drew her gaze from Dayton's form, followed in short order by the one-eyed wolf Shay. "You aren't late," she assured Elli. Her gaze swept over the forest surrounding them, but no other wolves seemed to be stirring. Worrying - there were several wolves missing yet, among them Faust, Aldoro, Blizzard, Aithusa, and Valice. Victims of the plague? Simply too far from the pack lands to hear her call? "But perhaps it's time to begin this meeting after all."

The white wolf sat up taller, head rising regally as she moved to speak in a more... official capacity. "I called this meeting for several reasons. Firstly, the disease has been eradicated within our borders, but may not be fully gone, so please keep an eye open for any symptoms in yourself or your packmates. If it comes back we need to be on it quickly this time to prevent lasting damage." Her solemn gaze swept them each, driving home the seriousness of her words. She did not trust this disease to be gone, and she would not risk her packmates to negligence.

"That said, I do have some news for you," she began once more on a higher note, darting a slightly embarrassed look toward Roman. "Not long ago, Roman and I came to an agreement. In light of... recent events... I have been promoted." Wry embarrassment colored her words, feeling somewhat like she was being arrogant, bragging though that was not her intention. "I will be acting as a secondary Praetor now, to free Roman from some of the stresses of being an alpha while she... recovers from the illness." She hesitated on that only the briefest of moments, her gaze flitting to her alpha once more. She doubted Roman would want Qanik blurting out her own news, after all.

"Things seem to be settling a bit after the earthquake, and the disease. Part of what I will be doing is stepping up regular training sessions, and holding more regular pack hunts to build the strength of the pack and our unity. There will be more meetings, where you can bring your concerns before the pack. There will be more promotions for exemplary work and effort... and demotions for those who do not care to put in the effort. We are a family, but we must all pull our own weight as much as we are capable of. There are very few of us compared to the larger packs and we cannot afford to drift apart from the lack of a little effort."

Her gaze shifted once more to Roman, a brow cocked questioningly. Did the alpha have anything to add? Perhaps take the opportunity provided by her mention of promotions to segue into actual promotions? Perhaps some announcements of her own?

OOC: Hold off on posting until I find out if Roamer wants to post Roman next. Second round deadline to be decided then.