
In Disbelief, I Didn't Know (EBONY)



8 Years
07-01-2014, 01:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2014, 09:10 PM by Maximous.)

The man would sit silently next to the wounded stranger as he waited for Katja to ok his offer. When she did Max would nod and give a kind smile to the other man. "I am Maximous, a healer of Ebony. I'll be the one to patch you up after the meeting. You may follow me there directly or choose to come by my den later but I recommend coming by directly as an infection is the last thing you want.

Kassander would grab his attention the moment Max silenced himself. Cobwebs, the child had brought him cobwebs. The pup was definitely a smart one as the cobwebs would provide a sort of temporary binding...a stitch of sorts. The web would help stop the bleeding and pull the wound together but it still needed to be cleaned. "Thank you Kassander." he would voice his thanks and immediately begin working the webs into a bind that would hold for a few hours.

As he worked on the temporary binding others would arrive and Katja would begin the meeting. He would listen carefully. His initial thoughts upon his arrival had been correct. Something was indeed terribly wrong. Raisa had left the pack, her children, her family and her friends. Katja was now in charge and the protector of the royal children. His rank was no longer sola but Eir. It was different, strange even, but he would not question his new queen.

As Katja had finished speaking the binding for the new member's wound would be ready to apply. Gently he would push the mans flesh back together and stick the cobwebs to each side of the wound and work it as gently as he could until he was sure it would hold until he removed it later. "A temporary will hold until you come to me to have it cleaned and more permanently bound."

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)