
Raindrops and Galaxies


07-02-2014, 11:48 AM
Nature's lullaby was beautiful. The soft sound of lapping waves pouring onto the sand and then retreating back into the liquid galaxy was hypnotic. A soft breeze in which hummed so delicately as it passed through the nearby grasses. Ah, such a wonderful and peaceful night.

Winter's rest was cut short by the scent of another. Still lying, his head turned into the direction. A shadowed figure blended in with the night. Ah, Winter could not help but smile at the situation. How humorous. Himself - a white canine in which resembled the moon and stars and their delicate, precious appearance. . . and here comes a dark shadowy wolf in which mocked the abyssal nightime sky. Him - mocking the reflections of silver in the ocean and this newcomer resembling the obsidian waters. How well the two fit in the scene.

His thoughts were shaken when the creature called out with "greetings." Winter was not in the mood for company, but he was not in the mood to argue. The night was to peaceful for that. The feminine male lifted himself from the ground. Ah, a chill rippled throughout his body, now. It was much colder without the water embracing him - without the water protecting him as if it were a woolen blanket.

Hello, stranger. Name's Winter.

His reply was short, but friendly. Making enemies was not on the to-do list on this night. . . At least, not yet.