
In Disbelief, I Didn't Know (EBONY)



5 Years
07-02-2014, 12:21 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of her family, her mother was the first to arrive after her, and Anais welcomed her with a beaming smile. Her cheek was nosed, the gesture reminiscent of ones she had received when she was much smaller. For a moment, she felt like a little child again and let herself lean to press her side against her mother's, noting how she no longer seemed to fit into the groove of her side as well as she once had. Oh well. Grown or not, she was still her mother's daughter, and it was nice to have little moments to remind her of that.

Lior showed next, settling at her mother's other side and exchanging grins with Anais. All the boys arrived together, and Anais spared them all a smiling glance as they settled in to await the meeting's purpose. Others continued to trickle in, and one in particular caught her notice. The man who had accepted her family into Ebony, Vaughan, appeared to be in very bad spirits, asking after Raisa as if she had gone away. Anais's brow furrowed and her ears turned back at the saddened state of his voice and her gaze moved from him back to Katja. What was going on?

The masked woman explained soon after, confirming what Vaughan's words had suggested. Their leader, Raisa, was gone, leaving Katja in charge of them all. Anais cast a worried look her parents' way, uncertain what all this meant for them. It sounded as if, aside from the rank names changing, that things would remain the same, so at least things would stay relatively as they always had been. Trying to take some comfort from that, Anais merely sighed, hoping everything would work out for the better in the end.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.