
And its true, it you... [Joining]



07-02-2014, 12:58 PM

She wouldnt be kept waiting long, but for the little time she did spend there was no denying the empty pit in her stomach. She was nervous, though was there any reason to be? Oh, she really had missed him, it feels far to long since they have been able to meet eachother again. But now it could change, she could stay; if he wishes it. As he was making his way over the placid babe couldnt help but smile, feeling happy whenever he's around. Though before she knew it he closed the space between them; kissing her softly upon her delicate visage and caressing her cheeks. A small chuckle would slip her lips, realising perhaps she likes him far more then she had ever expected."Dhiren! Its been so long... ive missed you" Her sweet murmur would leave her lips, she knew now she couldnt leave. He was the only one still around and each day Guin was feeling more and more content, forgetting about her family who have moved on, and focusing more on the present. "Valhalla... its gone, An unknown woman beat Erani and took the crown, i had no where else to go..." The youth would forget to mention how it was a good thing on her behalf, afterall she had wanted to leave for awhile and well, Valhalla just wasnt the same after Chrysanthe left. "I want to stay here with you, I Want to learn everything about Ludicael, has it changed?"