
Stroke my ego



10 Years
Athena I
07-02-2014, 01:59 PM

This was great. Just great. In the middle of the desert of all places. The Olympian had wandered off on her own, lost in her thoughts and when she finally decided to take stock of her location she found herself in the middle of a ton of sand, the sun beating down on her. It was right at the beginning of spring, but here it felt like summer had already taken hold. Of course, she knew exactly what time of year it was. Her heat was back in full force yet again, here to annoy her as always. It did nothing to improve her mood since she had hoped Conan would be living in Olympus with her by now and they could take this chance for her to finally start her family, but was that going to happen? No.

She groaned irritably and trudged forward, looking around for any sort of shade to hide under till the sun began to go down and she could make her way back home. Finally she spotted green in the distance and she hurried toward it, already sick of being out in this sun. As she got closer she saw the tall palm trees gathered around a pool of water and she sighed with relief. Even better. She padded over to the water and lapped it up gratefully, glad that the gods had blessed her in some way. After Conan seemingly disappearing and the death of her nephew she was starting to wonder if maybe the gods were angry with her or her family, but she reminded herself that her brother had finally returned and now there was this oasis for her to rest in. Still... She couldn't quite shake that feeling of craving and loneliness.

She suddenly heard a noise nearby and her head darted up, silver eyes glancing curiously around her. Who else could be out here in the middle of nowhere?
