


07-02-2014, 04:43 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2014, 01:15 PM by Svanerna.)

ooc: Any previous members, rogues, or curious people can join in. All previous members of Valhalla will be set to rogue. The new Valhalla will be neutral in alignment. first round will end on july 6th !!
There was a new Viking Queen in town. She was a maleficent, desirable woman, with experience. She had led multiple times before in her rather long life. The woman is pure with Viking blood pumping through her harsh veins. She was a woman of extremes. She was beautiful. Ebony, crimson, and alabaster fur. Silver eyes dappled with gold. She was born to be a queen. Her ancestors were that of Kings and Queens. The Finnvi is powerful by default. She was built to lead, to fight, and to flourish. There is not a weak bone in her body. Yet, it made her feel flimsy, for Vi to just hand her a pack. Even if she had plans to challenge for a pack later on, she felt weak to just be handed something of such prize. A pack was not relatively easy to get and to just get one with such ease made her slightly annoyed. But only a fool would deny such a gracious offer.

The lady had got to know her lands. She scoured for spots within the lands for dens. The girl had found a few spots in which she could manage. It was obvious where the previous members of the old Valhalla had resided. The Finnvi woman had found a fallen tree within the midst of the fields. Her paws carried her to such with ease. Adrenaline coursed through her veins. She was excited to be a leader again, though she knew drama would come. The lady would keep the name, for the meaning was much more deep for the lady. Valhalla was a place of paradise where fallen warriors went when killed in battle. She would make the pack a paradise for the worthy. The lady was of her word at all times there was no doubt. She was pure and trustworthy. She was usually one of her religion, under the eyes of her Gods. But, she has had moments of darkness that she would never regret. The lady was odd, but a worthy leader nontheless. Her head flicked up and a call was let out.
