
shake it off


07-02-2014, 08:14 PM

Hel wasn't the best at staying in one place, to be honest. Though her father had definitely expressed a strong preference that Hel stay in one place, Hel was on the move again - perhaps even because her father had made it clear that he wanted them to stay close to home. There was something about the way he'd phrased it that had put the wanderlust itch into her paws. Maybe it was just how close it had been to an order. Hel had definitely found that as she grew, orders had begun to rankle more and more. Especially now that she'd lost both of her mothers, the one that had birthed her and Imena, their nurse, Hel had found herself desiring more and more of her father's attention, and he only had so much to give. The best way to catch his emerald gaze, Hel had learned, was to disobey.

And that was how Hel had ended up in a mysterious and definitely dangerous mountain range. She was still small, though she was beginning to grow into her gangly limbs, and due to the several long trips she'd made at her father's side, Hel had more endurance than many pups her age. Which she was going to be putting to use in the upcoming months, for sure. If this was the surest bet for catching her dad's eye, well, there was no sense in doing things halfway.

With an easy wag of her tail, Hel stretched her limbs and began to pad forward, pawsteps soft on the stony ground. Every so often, a scattering of pebbles fell away from her footsteps, announcing her presence to all who had the misfortune of being nearby. She wasn't exactly subtle, but then again, nothing about this girl was particularly subtle.
