
Oh Such Sweet Joy


05-05-2013, 01:25 AM

Today, another awesome day. It was cooler than usual, the puppies were doing amazingly, Erani was happier than he'd ever seen her, he was full of energy and crazy enough to do what he did today... Something stupid, something wonderful, at least for him. He got her favorite food! He was absolutely insane for doing so also. He could have died in a second. Never returned home, wasted away in a field with his belly gored... But he didn't, a mere rake across his flank was all that he bared from his tussle with the bison's mother as he fled with his trophy he sighed as he grabbed a swift drink of water from a babbling stream. Some chances are just worth taking for a woman's happiness. He looked at the lifeless maimed calf and scooped it into his maw, lifting it with ease. He pressed onward, finally making it to areas he and Erani had marked months ago. He bounded onward, limp limbs of the defeated calf wobbling with his bouncing runs. He reaches his den and finds her immediately with his puppies, their puppies sleeping soundly against their mother. He dropped the meal gently by their eating spot and stood proudly over it, watching his female, waiting for her reaction to his latest gift.